Sunday, June 21, 2015

Grilling Corn Juicy Sweet Barbecue Treat!

Grilling corn is a real summer tradition. Corn on the cob, piping hot off the grill and covered in butter and salt, is a part of our cultural heritage - as American as Mom's apple pie on the Fourth of July.

In fact, corn is more American than you may realize. Corn is only one of the two major domesticated food plants in the world that is native to the Americas (the potato is the other).

Over 8,000 years ago the first corn was planted in what is now Mexico. Today, sweet corn is one of the worlds major crops and more corn is grown in the United States than in any other place on Earth. It's no wonder that grilling corn is seen as a necessary part of any summer cook-out.

The problem is that while a lot of corn is grilled, not a lot of corn is grilled well. The aim of this article is to remedy that fact and make sure that the next time you're grilling corn, you're grilling it right.

The first step in grilling corn is getting your hands on the best corn you can. Because the best materials guarantee the best results, you want to make sure that you start with the freshest, sweetest corn available.

If you live in or near a rural area, get it straight from the farmer or a roadside stand. In more urban areas, look for farmer's markets or produce stores.

Like any other produce, corn is best straight off, in this case, the stalk. Never purchase corn that is already husked.

The corn husk protects the corn and helps to retain the corn's natural moisture. Pre-husked corn will always be an inferior product when compared to corn still in the husk.

Finally, when you have found the freshest corn, look for the best ears available. Pull back the the top of the husk and take a look at the corn itself. A good ear of corn will have large, even, milky colored kernels all around the cob.

The next step in grilling corn is preparing the corn for the grill and your grill for the corn.

Preparing the corn is easy. Fill a large bowl or small bucket with fresh cold water and immerse the corn, husk and all, in the water. Let the corn soak for about 15 or 20 minutes.

Letting the corn soak in water allows the husk to absorb additional water. This water will helps properly cook the corn once it's on the grill.

While the corn is soaking, start your grill. Corn, like any vegetable, cooks best over medium heat. So, you want your grill to be hot, but not too hot.

If you can hold your hand a few inches over the grill for three or four seconds, you've got the heat about right. When the grill is ready, remove the corn from the water and place it, husk and all, on the grill.

Why leave on the husk? Remember, the husk is nature's way of protecting the corn from damage.

It provides the same protection on the grill, letting the corn cook and steam while preventing the cob from drying out and burning.

Let the corn cook for about 15 minutes, turning whenever the husk starts to char. Once the husk is thoroughly charred, the corn is done. Remove it from the grill, let it cool, peel back the husk and serve it with butter and salt.

That's all there is to it! Grilling corn is a snap once you know how to grill it right.

Photo by arztsamui

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